Flashcards on Capitalization Rules in the Ukrainian Language

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When should the first letter of a sentence or a quote be capitalized?

The first letter of a sentence or a quote should always be capitalized.

Which types of words should always be capitalized?

Proper nouns, such as names of people, places, organizations, etc., should always be capitalized.

Should the first letter of common nouns be capitalized?

No, the first letter of common nouns should not be capitalized.

Is it necessary to capitalize the first letter after a colon?

The first letter after a colon should be capitalized if it introduces a complete sentence.

Do adjectives, verbs, or adverbs need to be capitalized?

Generally, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs do not need to be capitalized.

Should the first letter of a title be capitalized?

In titles, the first and last words, all nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, and subordinating conjunctions should be capitalized.

Are articles (a, an, the) and coordinating conjunctions capitalized in titles?

Articles (a, an, the) and coordinating conjunctions are not usually capitalized in titles.

Should prepositions be capitalized in titles?

Prepositions should not be capitalized in titles unless they are the first or last word.

When should the pronoun 'I' be capitalized?

The pronoun 'I' should always be capitalized.

Do abbreviations and acronyms need to be fully capitalized?

Abbreviations and acronyms should be capitalized according to the standard rules of capitalization for the respective language.

Which of the following should always be capitalized?

Names of holidays, months, days of the week, and languages should always be capitalized.

Should the first letter of a direct quotation be capitalized?

Yes, the first letter of a direct quotation should be capitalized.

Is capitalization necessary for headers or subheadings in a document?

Capitalization can be used for headers or subheadings to provide emphasis or hierarchical structure to the content.

Should the first letter of a bulleted list item be capitalized?

The first letter of a bulleted list item can be capitalized or lowercase, depending on the desired style.

When should the first letter of a proper adjective be capitalized?

The first letter of a proper adjective should be capitalized.


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Test Your Knowledge

Which types of words should always be capitalized?

Should the first letter of common nouns be capitalized?

Is it necessary to capitalize the first letter after a colon?

Do adjectives, verbs, or adverbs need to be capitalized?

Are articles (a, an, the) and coordinating conjunctions capitalized in titles?

Should prepositions be capitalized in titles?

When should the pronoun 'I' be capitalized?

Do abbreviations and acronyms need to be fully capitalized?

Which of the following should always be capitalized?

When should the first letter of a proper adjective be capitalized?

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