Flashcards on Kennedy's Presidency

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When was John F. Kennedy inaugurated as the President of the USA?

January 20, 1961

Who did Kennedy defeat in the 1960 presidential election?

Richard Nixon

What was the name of Kennedy's domestic policy agenda?

New Frontier

What was the name of the failed CIA-sponsored invasion of Cuba launched in 1961 during Kennedy's presidency?

Bay of Pigs Invasion

What was the nickname given to Kennedy's Attorney General and younger brother, Robert Kennedy?


What was the name of the Soviet Premier during most of Kennedy's presidency?

Nikita Khrushchev

What was the goal of Kennedy's proposed Civil Rights Act?

To end segregation and racial discrimination

What was the name of the project that sent Americans into space for the first time during Kennedy's presidency?

Project Mercury

What was the Peace Corps established by Kennedy in 1961?

A volunteer program to assist developing nations

What was the name of Kennedy's plan to provide medical care to the elderly, which would eventually be signed into law by Lyndon B. Johnson?


What was the name of the conflict between Israel and its Arab neighbors that broke out during Kennedy's presidency?

Six-Day War

What was the name of the 1962 standoff between the US and the Soviet Union over the deployment of missiles in Cuba?

Cuban Missile Crisis

What was the name of the landmark 1963 Supreme Court case that established the principle of "one person, one vote" in the US?

Reynolds v. Sims

What was the tragic event that took place in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963, during Kennedy's presidency?

Assassination of John F. Kennedy

Who succeeded Kennedy as the President of the USA after his assassination?

Lyndon B. Johnson

When was John F. Kennedy inaugurated as the President of the USA?

January 20, 1961

Who did Kennedy defeat in the 1960 presidential election?

Richard Nixon

What was the name of Kennedy's domestic policy agenda?

New Frontier

What was the name of the failed CIA-sponsored invasion of Cuba launched in 1961 during Kennedy's presidency?

Bay of Pigs Invasion

What was the nickname given to Kennedy's Attorney General and younger brother, Robert Kennedy?


What was the name of the Soviet Premier during most of Kennedy's presidency?

Nikita Khrushchev

What was the goal of Kennedy's proposed Civil Rights Act?

To end segregation and racial discrimination

What was the name of the project that sent Americans into space for the first time during Kennedy's presidency?

Project Mercury

What was the Peace Corps established by Kennedy in 1961?

A volunteer program to assist developing nations

What was the name of Kennedy's plan to provide medical care to the elderly, which would eventually be signed into law by Lyndon B. Johnson?


What was the name of the conflict between Israel and its Arab neighbors that broke out during Kennedy's presidency?

Six-Day War

What was the name of the 1962 standoff between the US and the Soviet Union over the deployment of missiles in Cuba?

Cuban Missile Crisis

What was the name of the landmark 1963 Supreme Court case that established the principle of "one person, one vote" in the US?

Reynolds v. Sims

What was the tragic event that took place in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963, during Kennedy's presidency?

Assassination of John F. Kennedy

Who succeeded Kennedy as the President of the USA after his assassination?

Lyndon B. Johnson


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