Causes and Origins of the Vietnam War

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What were the main causes of the Vietnam War?

The main causes of the Vietnam War were the Cold War ideologies of communism vs. capitalism, the desire for Vietnamese independence from colonial rule, and the division of Vietnam at the 17th parallel.

What role did the Cold War play in the Vietnam War?

The Cold War heightened tensions between the communist North Vietnam backed by the Soviet Union and China, and the anti-communist South Vietnam supported by the United States and other Western nations.

How did the division of Vietnam contribute to the war?

Vietnam was split into North and South at the 17th parallel after the Geneva Accords, with North Vietnam under communist control and South Vietnam non-communist, leading to conflict as both sought reunification.

What was the significance of the Geneva Accords?

The Geneva Accords of 1954 temporarily divided Vietnam at the 17th parallel, leading to separate governments in North and South Vietnam and setting the stage for future conflicts.

Who were the Viet Minh?

The Viet Minh were a nationalist group led by Ho Chi Minh fighting for Vietnamese independence from French colonial rule, later becoming the communist government in North Vietnam.

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