Common Irregular French Verbs

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What is the first-person singular of 'être' in the present tense?

Je suis

How do you conjugate 'avoir' for tu in the present tense?

Tu as

What is the third-person singular conjugation of 'aller' in present tense?

Il/elle va

How do you say 'we can' using the verb 'pouvoir'?

Nous pouvons

How is 'faire' conjugated for 'vous' in the present tense?

Vous faites

What is the infinitive form of the verb 'voulez'?


What is the first-person singular conjugation of 'savoir' in present tense?

Je sais

How do you say 'they come' in French using 'venir'?

Ils/elles viennent

Translate 'I must' using 'devoir'.

Je dois

How is the verb 'prendre' conjugated for 'je' in the present tense?

Je prends

What is the nous form of 'mettre' in the present tense?

Nous mettons

How do you conjugate 'voir' for 'il' in the present tense?

Il voit

What is the singular form for 'boire' in the first person?

Je bois

How do you say 'she knows' using 'connaître'?

Elle connaît

What is the 'ils' form of 'recevoir' in the present tense?

Ils reçoivent

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Select the correct option

1. What is the first-person singular of 'être' in the present tense?

Je fait

Je suis

Je irai

Je vais

2. How do you conjugate 'avoir' for tu in the present tense?

Tu fais

Tu es

Tu as

Tu vas

3. What is the third-person singular conjugation of 'aller' in present tense?

Il/elle prends

Il/elle va

Il/elle veux

Il/elle chante

4. How do you say 'we can' using the verb 'pouvoir'?

Nous avons

Nous pouvons

Nous voulons

Nous faisons

5. How is 'faire' conjugated for 'vous' in the present tense?

Vous faites

Vous fait

Vous ferez

Vous faitons

6. What is the infinitive form of the verb 'voulez'?





7. What is the first-person singular conjugation of 'savoir' in present tense?

Je peux

Je bois

Je sais

Je vais

8. How do you say 'they come' in French using 'venir'?

Ils/elles faisent

Ils/elles sont

Ils/elles viennent

Ils/elles vont

9. Translate 'I must' using 'devoir'.

Je dois

Je veux

Je sais

Je fais

10. How is the verb 'prendre' conjugated for 'je' in the present tense?

Je prend

Je vais

Je prends

Je veux

11. What is the nous form of 'mettre' in the present tense?

Nous mettons

Nous mettons

Nous mettont

Nous mettons

12. How do you conjugate 'voir' for 'il' in the present tense?

Il reçois

Il boit

Il voit

Il mange

13. What is the singular form for 'boire' in the first person?

Je buvent

Je bois

Je voie

Je mettons

14. How do you say 'she knows' using 'connaître'?

Elle prend

Elle boit

Elle venu

Elle connaît

15. What is the 'ils' form of 'recevoir' in the present tense?

Ils chantent

Ils reçoient

Ils reçoivent

Ils veulent