Flashcards on Consequences and Impact of the French Revolution

How did the French Revolution affect European monarchies?

It caused fear of revolutionary ideas spreading and led to wars against France.

Name one social change resulting from the French Revolution.

The rise of secularism and reduction of the Church's power in politics.

What was the Napoleonic Code?

A comprehensive and uniform system of laws established for France by Napoleon.

How did the Revolution influence global movements?

It inspired uprisings in Latin America and other places seeking independence and reforms.

What happened to the French colonies during the Revolution?

The Haitian Revolution began, leading to Haiti’s independence in 1804.

What was the result of the Congress of Vienna?

Re-establishment of conservative monarchies in Europe and redrawing of European borders.

How did the revolution impact France's economy in the short term?

Caused economic instability and widespread inflation.

What was one long-term political effect of the Revolution?

The spread of democratic ideals and republics in Europe and beyond.

How did Napoleon Bonaparte rise to power following the Revolution?

By capitalizing on political instability and restoring order as a military leader and then as Emperor.

What was the Continental System?

Napoleon's policy of blocking trade between Britain and European nations to weaken the British economy.

Which significant principle did the Revolution introduce in the West?

The principle of popular sovereignty or rule by the people.

How did the Revolution lead to nationalism in Europe?

Stimulated national pride and unity within French borders and beyond, challenging foreign domination.

What was the role of the Jacobins during the Revolution?

Radical group leading the government during the Reign of Terror.

Which event symbolized the end of the societal old regime?

The fall of the Bastille and the subsequent events that abolished the feudal system.

In what way did the French Revolution alter the French class system?

It eroded the power of the aristocracy, promoting equality and the rise of the bourgeoisie.