Flashcards on Institutional Racism in the 21st Century

What is institutional racism?

Institutional racism refers to policies and practices within institutions that, intentionally or not, produce outcomes that favor or put certain racial groups at a disadvantage.

Can you name one example of institutional racism in education?

An example of institutional racism in education is the racial achievement gap influenced by access to resources and funding.

How does institutional racism manifest in the criminal justice system?

It manifests through racial profiling, disparities in sentencing, and over-policing in minority communities.

What is redlining and how does it relate to institutional racism?

Redlining is the discriminatory practice of denying services (typically financial) to residents of certain areas based on race.

Which legislation was passed to combat institutional racism in housing in the US?

The Fair Housing Act of 1968 was enacted to combat racial discrimination in housing.

How can healthcare discrimination be considered a form of institutional racism?

Healthcare discrimination limits minority communities' access to quality medical care, resulting in health disparities.

What role do implicit biases play in perpetuating institutional racism?

Implicit biases can influence decision-making unconsciously, resulting in biased behavior within institutions.

What is the significance of the term 'systemic racism'?

Systemic racism refers to the complex interaction of culture, policy, and institutions that holds in place the outcomes we see in our society.

How has institutional racism impacted employment opportunities for minorities?

It has resulted in wage gaps, fewer job opportunities, and glass ceilings that limit career advancement for minorities.

Can you give an example of legislative reform aimed at reducing institutional racism?

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 aimed to eliminate discrimination in various spheres including employment and public accommodations.

How do standardized testing practices reflect institutional racism?

They can disadvantage students from minority backgrounds who may not have the same preparatory resources.

Name a key figure in combating institutional racism in the United States.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a prominent figure in the civil rights movement, advocating against segregation and discrimination.

What is affirmative action and how does it address institutional racism?

Affirmative action involves policies that support members of disadvantaged groups that suffer from discrimination.

How does mass incarceration relate to institutional racism?

Minority groups, particularly African Americans and Latinos, are disproportionately imprisoned, often due to systemic biases.

What is a 'racial equity audit' and how does it function?

It is an analysis of how different racial groups are differently served and affected by policies and practices, often used to identify institutional racism.