Cross multiply and simplify directly.
Simplify the fractions before multiplying.
Multiply the numerators of the fractions.
Multiply the fractions by a common factor.
Add the numerators and denominators separately.
Multiply the denominators of the fractions.
Find the reciprocal of the fractions.
Divide the fractions.
No, a common denominator is not required.
Yes, always find a common denominator first.
Only when the fractions are complex.
Sometimes, depending on the type of fractions.
Add a constant to both numbers.
Divide both numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor.
Multiply the numerator by the whole number.
Subtract the larger numerator from the smaller one.
They are added to the fraction's numerator.
Multiply the whole number by the fraction's numerator.
Convert the whole number to a denominator.
Only the denominator is multiplied.
The fraction turns into a decimal.
The fraction increases by 1.
The fraction gets inverted.
The fraction remains unchanged.
Yes, but the product follows sign rules: negative x positive = negative.
Yes, only if they have a common denominator.
No, a different method is used for negative fractions.
Yes, except with mixed numbers.
Add the mixed numbers together first.
Multiply the whole numbers separately from the fractions.
Convert the mixed numbers to improper fractions first.
Simplify the fractions before converting them.