Opportunity, Risk, Consequences, Responsibility

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What are ethical dilemmas in risk vocabulary?

Ethical dilemmas are situations in which a difficult choice must be made between two or more morally acceptable courses of action, or a choice between equally undesirable alternatives.

Describe regulatory constraints.

Regulatory constraints are restrictions imposed by laws or regulations that may limit the operations or decisions of organizations.

Define systemic vulnerabilities.

Systemic vulnerabilities are weaknesses in a system that can lead to widespread issues if exploited or left unresolved.

What are unintended repercussions?

Unintended repercussions are outcomes that are not foreseen or intended, often resulting from an action or decision.

Explain cybersecurity breaches.

Cybersecurity breaches occur when unauthorized access to data or systems results in data loss, theft, or damage.

What is market viability?

Market viability refers to the potential of a product or service to succeed in a particular market, including demand and competition.

Describe growth potential.

Growth potential is the ability of a company, product, or market to increase in size or value over time.

Define sustainable development.

Sustainable development involves meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

What is competitive advantage?

Competitive advantage is a condition or circumstance that puts a company in a favorable or superior business position.

What does scalability mean in business?

In business, scalability refers to the ability to grow or expand efficiently and effectively as demand increases.

Define ethical compliance.

Ethical compliance is adhering to moral and ethical guidelines within an organization, often enforced through codes of conduct.

What are risk mitigation strategies?

Risk mitigation strategies involve identifying, assessing, and prioritizing risks, and taking steps to reduce the impact or likelihood of those risks.

What do data privacy regulations entail?

Data privacy regulations involve legal standards and guidelines for protecting personal information and data from unauthorized access or use.

Explain corporate social responsibility.

Corporate social responsibility is a company's commitment to manage its social, environmental, and economic effects responsibly and ethically.

What is policy implementation?

Policy implementation is the process of putting policies into action and ensuring they are followed through effectively within a system.