Raster Graphics

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What is raster graphics?

Raster graphics are digital images created or captured as a set of samples of a given space, often made up of pixels.

What is a pixel?

A pixel is the smallest unit of a raster image, representing a single point in the graphic.

What is resolution in raster graphics?

Resolution refers to the number of pixels in an image, usually described in terms of width by height, like 1920x1080.

What is an example of a raster file format?

Common raster file formats include JPEG, PNG, BMP, and GIF.

How is color stored in a raster image?

Color in a raster image is stored as a set of values within each pixel, often using color models like RGB.

What happens when you enlarge a raster image?

Enlarging a raster image can make it look pixelated because the individual pixels become more visible.

What are raster graphics commonly used for?

Raster graphics are often used for digital photographs, illustrations, and web graphics.

How are vector and raster graphics different?

Vector graphics are made up of paths, while raster graphics are made up of pixels. Vectors can be scaled without losing quality, while rasters cannot.

What is anti-aliasing in raster graphics?

Anti-aliasing is a technique used to smooth jagged edges in raster images.

Why is it important to consider file size with raster images?

Because raster images can have large file sizes, which affects storage and may impact loading times.

What is a bitmap?

A bitmap is a type of raster graphics image that consists of millions of pixels creating the complete picture.

What software is commonly used to edit raster images?

Software like Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, and Microsoft Paint are commonly used to edit raster images.

What limitations do raster graphics have?

The main limitation is loss of image quality when scaling up, pixelation, and typically larger file sizes compared to vector graphics.

What does DPI stand for in raster graphics?

DPI stands for Dots Per Inch, which measures the resolution of a printed raster image.

Can raster graphics be easily converted to vector graphics?

Converting raster to vector is possible but can be complex and sometimes involves loss of detail.