Spanish Adverbs of Frequency

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What is the Spanish adverb for 'always'?


How do you say 'never' in Spanish?


What adverb of frequency means 'often' in Spanish?

A menudo.

Translate 'sometimes' into Spanish.

A veces.

Which Spanish adverb of frequency means 'rarely'?

Rara vez or raramente.

How do you express 'every day' in Spanish using an adverbial phrase?

Todos los días.

What is the Spanish equivalent of 'usually'?

Usualmente or generalmente.

Translate 'hardly ever' into Spanish.

Casi nunca.

What is the adverb for 'frequently' in Spanish?


How do you say 'once a week' in Spanish?

Una vez a la semana.

Translate 'twice a month' into Spanish.

Dos veces al mes.

What is the meaning of 'pocas veces' in English?

Few times or seldom.

How do you express 'every weekend' in Spanish?

Cada fin de semana.

What is the phrase for 'three times a year' in Spanish?

Tres veces al año.

How would you say 'daily' using a single word in Spanish?
