Sumerian Civilization

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What is the Sumerian civilization known for inventing?

The Sumerians are known for inventing the wheel and cuneiform writing.

Where was the Sumerian civilization located?

It was located in the southern part of Mesopotamia, near the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.

What type of government did the Sumerians have?

The Sumerians had city-states, each with its own ruler.

What was the purpose of a ziggurat in Sumerian cities?

Ziggurats were temple complexes for religious rituals.

What was one of the major contributions of the Sumerians to law?

They contributed the earliest known law code, the Code of Ur-Nammu.

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1. What is the Sumerian civilization known for inventing?

The compass and papyrus writing.

The abacus and metallurgy.

The wheel and cuneiform writing.

The plow and hieroglyphics.

2. Where was the Sumerian civilization located?

In the Sahara Desert region.

In the southern part of Mesopotamia, near the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.

In the Indus Valley, near the Ganges river.

In the Nile Delta, east of the Sahara.

3. What type of government did the Sumerians have?

City-states, each with its own ruler.

A unified monarchy under one king.

A feudal system with lords and peasants.

Democratic republic with elected leaders.

4. What was the purpose of a ziggurat in Sumerian cities?

Ziggurats were temple complexes for religious rituals.

Ziggurats were used as military fortresses.

Ziggurats served as marketplaces for trade.

Ziggurats were schools for scribes.

5. What was one of the major contributions of the Sumerians to law?

The creation of Magna Carta.

The formulation of Hammurabi's code.

They contributed the earliest known law code, the Code of Ur-Nammu.

The establishment of maritime law codes.