Team Sports

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What is the primary objective of soccer?

To score more goals than the opposing team by getting the soccer ball into their net.

How many players are on a basketball team on the court at one time?

Five players.

Name a popular team sport played on ice.

Ice hockey.

What equipment is needed to play volleyball?

A volleyball and a net.

How does a baseball game start?

With a pitch to the batter from the pitcher.

In rugby, what is the term for scoring a goal?

A try.

What is unique about the positions in American football?

Each position has specific duties and roles in offense and defense.

Name one key rule in soccer regarding player movement and the ball.

Players (except the goalkeeper within their penalty area) cannot touch the ball with their hands.

What is the name of the area on a basketball court where free throws are taken?

The free-throw line.

Which team sport played with a bat and ball has innings as a core part of play?


What kind of sport is field hockey categorized as?

A team sport.

How is a winner determined in volleyball?

The team that first reaches 25 points with at least a two-point lead wins the set. The match is usually best of five sets.

What part of the field must the soccer ball cross to score a goal?

The goal line between the goalposts and beneath the crossbar.

How does a rugby match start?

With a kickoff from the center of the field.

What is the object of the game in basketball?

To score more points than the opposing team by shooting the basketball through the opposing team’s hoop.