Flashcards on Theory of Relativity

Who formulated the Theory of Relativity?

Albert Einstein.

What are the two parts of the Theory of Relativity?

Special Relativity and General Relativity.

What does the Special Theory of Relativity primarily deal with?

The physics of moving bodies at speeds close to that of light.

What is the speed of light in a vacuum?

Approximately 299,792,458 meters per second (or about 300,000 kilometers per second).

What is the famous equation associated with the Special Theory of Relativity?


What does E=mc² represent?

Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared; it shows the equivalence of energy and mass.

What concept does General Relativity introduce about gravity?

Gravity is not a force but a curvature in spacetime caused by mass.

What is spacetime?

A four-dimensional continuum that combines the three dimensions of space with the dimension of time.

How does mass affect spacetime according to General Relativity?

Mass curves spacetime, causing objects to follow curved paths.

What is Time Dilation?

A difference in elapsed time as measured by two observers, due to a relative velocity between them or a difference in gravitational potential.

What real-world technology uses principles from the Theory of Relativity?

Global Positioning System (GPS) which accounts for time dilation.

What experiment confirmed the theory of General Relativity?

The 1919 solar eclipse experiment observing the deflection of starlight by the Sun's gravity.

What is Length Contraction in relativity?

The phenomenon where an object in motion is measured to be shorter along the direction of motion from the viewpoint of a stationary observer.

How does the Theory of Relativity affect our understanding of the universe?

It provides a more accurate model of physical processes at an astronomical scale and near light speeds.

Why is the Theory of Relativity considered revolutionary in physics?

Because it changed the previously held notions of absolute time and space, providing new insights into gravity and the universe.

Test your Knowledge

1. Who formulated the Theory of Relativity?

2. What are the two parts of the Theory of Relativity?

3. What does the Special Theory of Relativity primarily deal with?

4. What is the speed of light in a vacuum?

5. What is the famous equation associated with the Special Theory of Relativity?

6. What does E=mc² represent?

7. What concept does General Relativity introduce about gravity?

8. What is spacetime?

9. How does mass affect spacetime according to General Relativity?

10. What is Time Dilation?

11. What real-world technology uses principles from the Theory of Relativity?

12. What experiment confirmed the theory of General Relativity?

13. What is Length Contraction in relativity?

14. How does the Theory of Relativity affect our understanding of the universe?

15. Why is the Theory of Relativity considered revolutionary in physics?