Flashcards on Understanding Types of Changes

What are physical changes?

Physical changes are alterations in the form or appearance of a substance, without a change in its chemical composition.

What is a chemical change?

A chemical change occurs when a substance combines with another to form a new substance, with different chemical properties.

Give an example of a physical change.

An example of a physical change is melting ice into water.

Give an example of a chemical change.

An example of a chemical change is rust forming on iron.

What are social changes?

Social changes refer to shifts or transformations in the cultural, social, or economic structures of a society.

What are some factors that can influence social changes?

Factors can include technology, economic shifts, politics, and cultural movements.

What is a reversible change?

A reversible change is one that can be undone, returning substance to its original state, like freezing and melting water.

What is an irreversible change?

An irreversible change is permanent and cannot easily be undone, such as burning wood.

How do chemical changes differ from physical changes in terms of energy?

Chemical changes often involve a transfer of energy, such as heat, light, or electricity, whereas physical changes usually do not alter the energy state significantly.

Can all chemical changes be observed directly?

No, not all chemical changes are directly observable as some may occur on a microscopic level without visible evidence.

What role do catalysts play in chemical changes?

Catalysts speed up chemical reactions without being consumed by the reaction itself.

What is a precipitate in chemical changes?

A precipitate is a solid formed in a solution during a chemical change.

How can you tell if a chemical change has occurred?

Indicators might include color change, temperature change, formation of a gas, or formation of a precipitate.

Why are social changes important to study?

Studying social changes helps us understand and adapt to the evolving structures and norms in society.

What can cause a physical object to change shape without changing chemically?

Applying force, such as bending or stretching, can change the shape of a physical object without altering its chemical structure.