Word Syllable Division for 5th Grade

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What is a syllable?

A syllable is a unit of sound in a word, typically containing a vowel or a vowel sound.

How do you divide the word 'apple' into syllables?

The word 'apple' is divided into syllables like this: ap-ple.

Divide the word 'robot' into syllables.

The word 'robot' is divided into syllables as: ro-bot.

How many syllables are in the word 'basketball'?

The word 'basketball' has three syllables: bas-ket-ball.

What rule can help you divide words into syllables when there are two consonants between vowels?

Divide between the two consonants: e.g., 'picnic' becomes pic-nic.

Split 'fantastic' into syllables.

The word 'fantastic' is divided into syllables like this: fan-tas-tic.

How do you divide the word 'elephant' into syllables?

The word 'elephant' is divided into syllables as: el-e-phant.

What is the syllable division of the word 'computer'?

The word 'computer' is divided into syllables: com-pu-ter.

How many syllables does the word 'umbrella' have, and how are they divided?

The word 'umbrella' has three syllables: um-brel-la.

Divide the word 'eleven' into syllables.

The word 'eleven' is divided into syllables: e-lev-en.

What happens to a vowel when it stands alone as a syllable?

A vowel can be a syllable by itself, as in the word 'a' or 'i.'

How do you divide the word 'banana' into syllables?

The word 'banana' is divided into syllables: ba-na-na.

Divide the word ‘chocolate’ into syllables.

The word ‘chocolate’ is divided into syllables as: cho-co-late.

How do you identify syllables in a word with a silent 'e' at the end, like 'bake'?

The silent 'e' is not counted as a separate syllable: 'bake' has one syllable.

Divide 'avocado' into syllables.

The word 'avocado' is divided into syllables: a-vo-ca-do.