Flashcards on Механічний рух

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What is the definition of mechanical motion?

Mechanical motion refers to the movement of objects, bodies, or systems that involve forces and energy.

Give an example of mechanical motion.

An example of mechanical motion is a car moving on the road.

What are the types of mechanical motion?

The types of mechanical motion include translational motion, rotational motion, and oscillatory motion.

Explain translational motion.

Translational motion is the movement of an object in a straight line.

What is rotational motion?

Rotational motion refers to the movement of an object around an axis or a fixed point.

Provide an example of rotational motion.

An example of rotational motion is a spinning top.

Define oscillatory motion.

Oscillatory motion is the back and forth or to and fro motion of an object.

Give an example of oscillatory motion.

An example of oscillatory motion is a swinging pendulum.

What is the relationship between force and mechanical motion?

Force is required to produce mechanical motion or change in mechanical motion.

Explain the concept of energy in mechanical motion.

Energy plays a role in providing the ability to perform mechanical motion and is transferred between objects during motion.

Describe the difference between speed and velocity in mechanical motion.

Speed refers to the distance traveled per unit of time, while velocity includes direction as well.

What is the formula to calculate speed?

The formula to calculate speed is speed = distance / time.

Define acceleration in mechanical motion.

Acceleration refers to the rate at which an object changes its velocity.

What is the formula to calculate acceleration?

The formula to calculate acceleration is acceleration = change in velocity / time taken.

Explain the concept of friction in mechanical motion.

Friction is a force that opposes the relative motion between two surfaces in contact.

How does air resistance affect mechanical motion?

Air resistance, also known as drag, acts in the opposite direction to the motion and can decrease the speed of objects.

What is the definition of mechanical motion?

Mechanical motion refers to the movement of objects, bodies, or systems that involve forces and energy.

Give an example of mechanical motion.

An example of mechanical motion is a car moving on the road.

What are the types of mechanical motion?

The types of mechanical motion include translational motion, rotational motion, and oscillatory motion.

Explain translational motion.

Translational motion is the movement of an object in a straight line.

What is rotational motion?

Rotational motion refers to the movement of an object around an axis or a fixed point.

Provide an example of rotational motion.

An example of rotational motion is a spinning top.

Define oscillatory motion.

Oscillatory motion is the back and forth or to and fro motion of an object.

Give an example of oscillatory motion.

An example of oscillatory motion is a swinging pendulum.

What is the relationship between force and mechanical motion?

Force is required to produce mechanical motion or change in mechanical motion.

Explain the concept of energy in mechanical motion.

Energy plays a role in providing the ability to perform mechanical motion and is transferred between objects during motion.

Describe the difference between speed and velocity in mechanical motion.

Speed refers to the distance traveled per unit of time, while velocity includes direction as well.

What is the formula to calculate speed?

The formula to calculate speed is speed = distance / time.

Define acceleration in mechanical motion.

Acceleration refers to the rate at which an object changes its velocity.

What is the formula to calculate acceleration?

The formula to calculate acceleration is acceleration = change in velocity / time taken.

Explain the concept of friction in mechanical motion.

Friction is a force that opposes the relative motion between two surfaces in contact.

How does air resistance affect mechanical motion?

Air resistance, also known as drag, acts in the opposite direction to the motion and can decrease the speed of objects.


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