Flashcards on День Незалежності

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What is the significance of День Незалежності in Ukraine?

День Незалежності is the Independence Day of Ukraine and it celebrates the country's freedom from Soviet Union.

On which date is День Незалежності celebrated?

День Незалежності is celebrated on August 24th every year.

How do people celebrate День Незалежності in Ukraine?

People celebrate День Незалежності with various cultural events, parades, fireworks, concerts, and ceremonies.

What colors represent День Незалежності in Ukraine?

The national flag colors - blue and yellow - represent День Незалежності in Ukraine.

Which year did Ukraine gain independence?

Ukraine gained independence in 1991.

Who was the first President of Ukraine after independence?

Leonid Kravchuk was the first President of Ukraine after independence.

Name a popular traditional Ukrainian dish often enjoyed on День Незалежності.

Borscht, a beet soup, is a popular traditional Ukrainian dish often enjoyed on День Незалежності.

What is the largest city in Ukraine?

Kyiv, also known as Kiev, is the largest city in Ukraine.

Which continent is Ukraine located in?

Ukraine is located in the continent of Europe.

What is the national currency of Ukraine?

The national currency of Ukraine is the Ukrainian hryvnia.

Who designed the national flag of Ukraine?

Mykhailo Boichuk is believed to have designed the national flag of Ukraine.

Name a famous Ukrainian dance often performed during День Незалежності celebrations.

Hopak, a traditional Ukrainian dance, is often performed during День Незалежності celebrations.

What was Ukraine called when it was part of the Soviet Union?

When Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union, it was called the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (Ukrainian SSR).

Which neighboring country of Ukraine claims Crimea as its own territory?

Russia claims Crimea as its own territory.

What is the population of Ukraine?

The population of Ukraine is approximately 44 million people.

What is the significance of День Незалежності in Ukraine?

День Незалежності is the Independence Day of Ukraine and it celebrates the country's freedom from Soviet Union.

On which date is День Незалежності celebrated?

День Незалежності is celebrated on August 24th every year.

How do people celebrate День Незалежності in Ukraine?

People celebrate День Незалежності with various cultural events, parades, fireworks, concerts, and ceremonies.

What colors represent День Незалежності in Ukraine?

The national flag colors - blue and yellow - represent День Незалежності in Ukraine.

Which year did Ukraine gain independence?

Ukraine gained independence in 1991.

Who was the first President of Ukraine after independence?

Leonid Kravchuk was the first President of Ukraine after independence.

Name a popular traditional Ukrainian dish often enjoyed on День Незалежності.

Borscht, a beet soup, is a popular traditional Ukrainian dish often enjoyed on День Незалежності.

What is the largest city in Ukraine?

Kyiv, also known as Kiev, is the largest city in Ukraine.

Which continent is Ukraine located in?

Ukraine is located in the continent of Europe.

What is the national currency of Ukraine?

The national currency of Ukraine is the Ukrainian hryvnia.

Who designed the national flag of Ukraine?

Mykhailo Boichuk is believed to have designed the national flag of Ukraine.

Name a famous Ukrainian dance often performed during День Незалежності celebrations.

Hopak, a traditional Ukrainian dance, is often performed during День Незалежності celebrations.

What was Ukraine called when it was part of the Soviet Union?

When Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union, it was called the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (Ukrainian SSR).

Which neighboring country of Ukraine claims Crimea as its own territory?

Russia claims Crimea as its own territory.

What is the population of Ukraine?

The population of Ukraine is approximately 44 million people.


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