Flashcards on Біоніка

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What is біоніка?

The study of biological systems and applying their principles to the design and engineering of new technologies.

Which field does біоніка belong to?


What is the main goal of біоніка?

To create innovative solutions inspired by nature.

Give an example of a біоніка application.

Designing a prosthetic limb inspired by the movement of a cheetah.

What does біоніка study?

Biological systems

What does біоніка apply?

The principles of biological systems

In which grade level is біоніка commonly studied?

Grade 9

What is another term for біоніка?


What language is the term біоніка from?


What does біоніка involve?

Designing and engineering new technologies

What does біоніка take inspiration from?


What is the significance of біоніка in technology?

It leads to the development of more efficient and sustainable solutions.

How can біоніка benefit humans?

By creating advancements in medicine, robotics, and other fields.

What are the two main components of біоніка?

Biology and technology

What are the applications of біоніка?

Prosthetics, robotics, biomimicry, etc.


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Test Your Knowledge

Which grade level is commonly associated with the study of біоніка?

What is the main goal of біоніка?

Which term is synonymous with біоніка?

What language does the term біоніка originate from?

Which field does біоніка primarily belong to?

What does біоніка involve?

Which area of study does біоніка take inspiration from?

What are the main components of біоніка?

What does біоніка study?

What is the significance of біоніка in technology?

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