Flashcards on Синоніми

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Синоніми for the word 'happy'

Delighted, Joyful, Content

Синоніми for the word 'angry'

Furious, Enraged, Wrathful

Синоніми for the word 'big'

Large, Huge, Gigantic

Синоніми for the word 'small'

Little, Tiny, Miniature

Синоніми for the word 'happy'

Delighted, Joyful, Content

Синоніми for the word 'strange'

Odd, Peculiar, Unusual

Синоніми for the word 'fast'

Quick, Rapid, Speedy

Синоніми for the word 'beautiful'

Gorgeous, Stunning, Lovely

Синоніми for the word 'sad'

Gloomy, Melancholy, Depressed

Синоніми for the word 'great'

Excellent, Wonderful, Awesome

Синоніми for the word 'hot'

Burning, Sweltering, Scorching

Синоніми for the word 'cold'

Chilly, Freezing, Frigid

Синоніми for the word 'strong'

Powerful, Mighty, Robust

Синоніми for the word 'weak'

Fragile, Feeble, Frail

Синоніми for the word 'brave'

Courageous, Fearless, Valiant


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What are some synonyms for the word 'happy'?

Select the synonym for the word 'angry'.

What are some synonyms for the word 'fast'?

Select the synonym for the word 'beautiful'.

What are some synonyms for the word 'sad'?

Select the synonym for the word 'great'.

What are some synonyms for the word 'hot'?

Select the synonym for the word 'strong'.

What are some synonyms for the word 'brave'?

Select the synonym for the word 'cold'.

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