Flashcards on Совість

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What is the definition of 'совість'?

The moral conscience or sense of right and wrong.

Why is 'совість' important?

It helps guide our actions and decisions towards what is morally right.

How can 'совість' affect a person's behavior?

It can make a person feel guilty if they do something morally wrong.

What happens when someone ignores their 'совість'?

They may experience remorse or regret for their actions.

Give an example of a situation where 'совість' plays a role.

Deciding whether to cheat on a test or not.

Is 'совість' the same for everyone?

No, it can vary from person to person.

What can influence a person's 'совість'?

Family, culture, and personal experiences.

Can 'совість' change over time?

Yes, it can evolve as a person gains new perspectives and values.

How can one develop a strong 'совість'?

By making ethical choices and reflecting on one's actions.

What are the consequences of ignoring 'совість'?

Damage to personal integrity and loss of trust from others.

What are the benefits of following 'совість'?

A sense of inner peace and alignment with one's values.

What are some synonyms of 'совість'?

Conscience, moral compass, ethical sense.

Can 'совість' be suppressed or overridden?

Yes, but it may result in internal conflict and guilt.

Can 'совість' be influenced by external factors?

Yes, societal norms and peer pressure can impact one's 'совість'.

What is the opposite of 'совість'?

Apathy or indifference towards moral principles.


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Test Your Knowledge

What is the definition of 'совість'?

Why is 'совість' important?

How can 'совість' affect a person's behavior?

Is 'совість' the same for everyone?

Can 'совість' change over time?

What are the consequences of ignoring 'совість'?

What are the benefits of following 'совість'?

Can 'совість' be suppressed or overridden?

Can 'совість' be influenced by external factors?

What is the opposite of 'совість'?

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