Flashcards on Варшавська угода

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What was the Варшавська угода?

A treaty signed in 1955 by the Soviet Union and its Eastern European allies.

Who were the signatories of the Варшавська угода?

Soviet Union, Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Romania.

When was the Варшавська угода signed?

On May 14, 1955.

What was the main objective of the Варшавська угода?

To establish a mutual defense alliance between the Soviet Union and its satellite states.

Which countries were part of the Варшавська угода?

Soviet Union, Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Romania.

Why was the Варшавська угода formed?

To counter the formation of NATO and to preserve Soviet influence in Eastern Europe.

Which major event led to the signing of the Варшавська угода?

The rearmament of West Germany and its admission to NATO.

What did the Варшавська угода establish?

The Warsaw Pact, a military alliance between communist states in Central and Eastern Europe.

When was the Варшавська угода dissolved?

On July 1, 1991.

What were the consequences of the Варшавська угода?

It solidified Soviet control over Eastern Europe and heightened tensions during the Cold War.


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Test Your Knowledge

Which treaty was signed in 1955 by the Soviet Union and its Eastern European allies?

When was the Варшавська угода signed?

What was the main objective of the Варшавська угода?

Which countries were part of the Варшавська угода?

Why was the Варшавська угода formed?

What did the Варшавська угода establish?

When was the Варшавська угода dissolved?

What were the consequences of the Варшавська угода?

Which major event led to the signing of the Варшавська угода?

What was the purpose of the Варшавська угода?

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