Flashcards on Снігова Королева

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Who is the main character in Снігова Королева?


What is the Snow Queen's name in Снігова Королева?

Snejnaja Koroleva

What happened to Kay in Снігова Королева?

He got a piece of the Snow Queen's mirror in his eye and heart, making him cold-hearted and cruel.

What did Gerda do to rescue Kay in Снігова Королева?

Gerda embarked on a journey to find Kay and broke the enchantment with her warm tears.

In which country does the story Снігова Королева take place?


Who provides assistance to Gerda during her journey in Снігова Королева?

Various characters including a reindeer, a crow, and a princess

What is the moral of Снігова Королева?

The power of love and friendship can overcome any challenge.

Who wrote Снігова Королева?

Hans Christian Andersen

What genre does Снігова Королева belong to?

Fairy tale

What is the English title for Снігова Королева?

The Snow Queen

What is the theme of Снігова Королева?

The triumph of purity and innocence over evil

What is the magic power possessed by the Snow Queen in Снігова Королева?

The ability to freeze hearts and control ice and snow

How does the story of Снігова Королева end?

Gerda rescues Kay, and they return home safely.

What are some symbols used in Снігова Королева?

A magic mirror, roses, and a crown

What lesson can be learned from Снігова Королева?

The importance of staying true to oneself and not being influenced by negative forces


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Test Your Knowledge

Who is the main character in Снігова Королева?

What is the English title for Снігова Королева?

Who wrote Снігова Королева?

What is the moral of Снігова Королева?

What genre does Снігова Королева belong to?

What is the magic power possessed by the Snow Queen in Снігова Королева?

What happened to Kay in Снігова Королева?

What is the theme of Снігова Королева?

In which country does the story Снігова Королева take place?

What is the Snow Queen's name in Снігова Королева?

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