Flashcards on Abraham Maslow's Theories

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What is Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

A theory that suggests humans have five levels of needs, from basic physiological needs to self-actualization.

What is self-actualization?

The highest level of psychological development where an individual realizes and fulfills their potential.

What are the five main levels in Maslow's hierarchy of needs, in order?

Physiological needs, safety needs, love/belonging needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs.

What is the concept of 'peak experiences' in Maslow's theories?

Transcendent moments of pure joy and fulfillment that contribute to self-actualization.

What does Maslow's theory suggest about human motivation?

That people are motivated to fulfill their basic needs before moving on to higher-level needs.

What is the term for the need to feel respected, valued, and recognized by others?

Esteem needs.

What is the lowest level in Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

Physiological needs.

What is the term for the need for love, affection, and a sense of belonging?

Love/belonging needs.

What are some criticisms of Maslow's theories?

Maslow's theories have been criticized for being culturally biased and based on limited samples.

What is the 'deficiency needs' concept in Maslow's theories?

The lower-level needs that arise from deprivation or lack, such as hunger or thirst.

What is the term for the need for safety, security, and stability?

Safety needs.

What is the 'growth needs' concept in Maslow's theories?

The higher-level needs that arise from personal growth and self-actualization.

What is the term for the ultimate goal of Maslow's hierarchy of needs?


What is the role of self-esteem in Maslow's theories?

Self-esteem is a fundamental human need that contributes to motivation and well-being.

What is the concept of 'metamotivation' in Maslow's theories?

The motivation to pursue higher-level goals and self-actualization.


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Test Your Knowledge

Which level of needs is at the top of Maslow's hierarchy?

What is the term for the need to feel respected and valued?

Which needs are considered 'growth needs' in Maslow's hierarchy?

What is the lowest level in Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

What is the concept of 'peak experiences' in Maslow's theories?

What does Maslow's theory suggest about human motivation?

What are the two types of needs in Maslow's theories?

What is the term for the need for safety, security, and stability?

What is the role of self-esteem in Maslow's theories?

What are some criticisms of Maslow's theories?

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