Flashcards on Age of Exploration

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Who is credited with discovering the New World?

Christopher Columbus

Which European country led the Age of Exploration?


Which Portuguese explorer was the first to sail around the Cape of Good Hope to reach India?

Vasco da Gama

Who discovered the sea route from Europe to Asia by sailing around the southern tip of Africa?

Bartolomeu Dias

Which Italian explorer explored the eastern coast of North America?

Giovanni Caboto (John Cabot)

Name one of the three ships Christopher Columbus used on his first voyage to the Americas.

Santa Maria, Pinta, or Niña

Which explorer is known for circumnavigating the globe?

Ferdinand Magellan

What was the main motivation for European exploration during the Age of Exploration?

The desire to find new trade routes to Asia

Which European country established colonies in the Americas during the Age of Exploration?

Spain, Portugal, England, France, and the Netherlands

Name one technological advancement that enabled European exploration during this period.

Compass, astrolabe, or caravel ships

Who was the Aztec emperor when Hernán Cortés and his troops conquered the Aztec Empire?

Montezuma II

Which Spanish conquistador conquered the Inca Empire in South America?

Francisco Pizarro

Which explorer claimed the region of New France for France?

Jacques Cartier

Who is known as the 'Father of New France'?

Samuel de Champlain

Which English explorer established the first successful English colony in North America?

John Smith

Who is credited with discovering the New World?

Christopher Columbus

Which European country led the Age of Exploration?


Which Portuguese explorer was the first to sail around the Cape of Good Hope to reach India?

Vasco da Gama

Who discovered the sea route from Europe to Asia by sailing around the southern tip of Africa?

Bartolomeu Dias

Which Italian explorer explored the eastern coast of North America?

Giovanni Caboto (John Cabot)

Name one of the three ships Christopher Columbus used on his first voyage to the Americas.

Santa Maria, Pinta, or Niña

Which explorer is known for circumnavigating the globe?

Ferdinand Magellan

What was the main motivation for European exploration during the Age of Exploration?

The desire to find new trade routes to Asia

Which European country established colonies in the Americas during the Age of Exploration?

Spain, Portugal, England, France, and the Netherlands

Name one technological advancement that enabled European exploration during this period.

Compass, astrolabe, or caravel ships

Who was the Aztec emperor when Hernán Cortés and his troops conquered the Aztec Empire?

Montezuma II

Which Spanish conquistador conquered the Inca Empire in South America?

Francisco Pizarro

Which explorer claimed the region of New France for France?

Jacques Cartier

Who is known as the 'Father of New France'?

Samuel de Champlain

Which English explorer established the first successful English colony in North America?

John Smith


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