Flashcards on Age of Exploration: Columbus and Magellan

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Who is credited with discovering America?

Christopher Columbus

Which explorer sailed around the world?

Ferdinand Magellan

Which country sponsored Christopher Columbus' voyages?


Who was the captain of the ship Santa Maria during Columbus' first voyage?

Christopher Columbus

What was the name of the fleet that Magellan commanded during his circumnavigation?

The Armada de Molucca

Which ocean did Magellan cross during his voyage?

Pacific Ocean

What year did Columbus first reach the Americas?


Which explorer is often considered the first to circumnavigate the world?

Ferdinand Magellan

What was the name of the ship on which Columbus died?

Santa Maria

Which explorer was killed during a battle in the Philippines?

Ferdinand Magellan

What was the original goal of Columbus' voyages?

To find a shorter route to Asia

Which expedition ended up completing the first circumnavigation of the Earth?

Ferdinand Magellan's expedition

What was the nationality of Ferdinand Magellan?


Which explorer's voyages led to the establishment of Spanish colonies in the Americas?

Christopher Columbus

Who completed Magellan's journey after his death?

Juan Sebastián Elcano


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Test Your Knowledge

Who is known for discovering America?

Which explorer sailed around the world?

Which country sponsored Christopher Columbus' voyages?

Who was the captain of the ship Santa Maria during Columbus' first voyage?

Which ocean did Magellan cross during his voyage?

What year did Columbus first reach the Americas?

Which explorer is often considered the first to circumnavigate the world?

What was the name of the ship on which Columbus died?

Which explorer was killed during a battle in the Philippines?

What was the original goal of Columbus' voyages?

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