Flashcards on Age of Exploration Navigators

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Who was the Portuguese navigator who led the first expedition to sail directly from Europe to India?

Vasco da Gama

Which Spanish explorer is credited with discovering the Pacific Ocean?

Vasco Núñez de Balboa

Who is known as the discoverer of the New World?

Christopher Columbus

Which Portuguese explorer led the first circumnavigation of the globe?

Ferdinand Magellan

Who was the English navigator who completed the second circumnavigation of the globe?

Francis Drake

Which Spanish conquistador conquered the Aztec Empire in Mexico?

Hernán Cortés

Who was the Italian explorer who first reached the Americas?

John Cabot

Which Dutch navigator explored and established settlements in present-day New York City?

Henry Hudson

Who was the Scottish sailor who discovered the St. Lawrence River?

Jacques Cartier

Which Portuguese explorer is credited with discovering the sea route to India?

Bartolomeu Dias

Who was the Italian explorer who traveled to the Far East and introduced the concept of China to Europe?

Marco Polo

Which Spanish explorer is known for his expeditions to the Americas and the Caribbean?

Juan Ponce de León

Who was the Portuguese explorer who established the maritime route from Portugal to India?

Vasco da Gama

Which French navigator explored the St. Lawrence River and claimed Canada for France?

Samuel de Champlain

Who was the Danish explorer who led expeditions to the North Atlantic and the Arctic?

Vitus Bering


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Test Your Knowledge

Who led the first expedition to sail to India from Europe?

Which explorer is credited with discovering the Pacific Ocean?

Who is known as the discoverer of the New World?

Who led the first circumnavigation of the globe?

Who completed the second circumnavigation of the globe?

Who conquered the Aztec Empire in Mexico?

Who was the first European to reach the Americas?

Who explored and established settlements in present-day New York City?

Who discovered the St. Lawrence River?

Who discovered the sea route to India?

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