Flashcards on Alexander Fleming and Penicillin

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Who is credited with the discovery of Penicillin?

Alexander Fleming

In which year was Penicillin discovered?


What is the full name of the scientist Alexander Fleming?

Sir Alexander Fleming

What is Penicillin?

An antibiotic drug

What was the initial source of Fleming's Penicillin mold?

A contaminated petri dish

Which bacteria does Penicillin primarily target?

Staphylococcus aureus

How did Fleming accidentally discover Penicillin?

By noticing the inhibitory effect of a mold contaminant on bacterial growth

What was the significant outcome of the discovery of Penicillin?

The development of the first widely used antibiotic

Which Nobel Prize did Alexander Fleming receive for his discovery of Penicillin?

Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

What is the mode of action of Penicillin?

Inhibition of bacterial cell wall synthesis

What are the common medical uses of Penicillin?

Treating bacterial infections such as pneumonia, tonsillitis, and syphilis

Who conducted further research and development to make Penicillin a viable drug?

Howard Florey and Ernst Chain

What is the typical dosage form of Penicillin?

Tablets or injections

What is antibiotic resistance and how does it relate to Penicillin?

Antibiotic resistance is the ability of bacteria to survive and multiply in the presence of an antibiotic. It became a concern due to the overuse and misuse of Penicillin.

How did the discovery of Penicillin impact medical practices?

It revolutionized the treatment of bacterial infections and saved countless lives.

Who is credited with the discovery of Penicillin?

Alexander Fleming

In which year was Penicillin discovered?


What is the full name of the scientist Alexander Fleming?

Sir Alexander Fleming

What is Penicillin?

An antibiotic drug

What was the initial source of Fleming's Penicillin mold?

A contaminated petri dish

Which bacteria does Penicillin primarily target?

Staphylococcus aureus

How did Fleming accidentally discover Penicillin?

By noticing the inhibitory effect of a mold contaminant on bacterial growth

What was the significant outcome of the discovery of Penicillin?

The development of the first widely used antibiotic

Which Nobel Prize did Alexander Fleming receive for his discovery of Penicillin?

Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

What is the mode of action of Penicillin?

Inhibition of bacterial cell wall synthesis

What are the common medical uses of Penicillin?

Treating bacterial infections such as pneumonia, tonsillitis, and syphilis

Who conducted further research and development to make Penicillin a viable drug?

Howard Florey and Ernst Chain

What is the typical dosage form of Penicillin?

Tablets or injections

What is antibiotic resistance and how does it relate to Penicillin?

Antibiotic resistance is the ability of bacteria to survive and multiply in the presence of an antibiotic. It became a concern due to the overuse and misuse of Penicillin.

How did the discovery of Penicillin impact medical practices?

It revolutionized the treatment of bacterial infections and saved countless lives.


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