Flashcards on Alternating Current Circuits

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What is alternating current (AC)?

A type of electric current that constantly changes direction.

What is a circuit?

A closed loop or pathway through which electric current can flow.

What is the symbol for alternating current?

A wavy line (~).

How does alternating current differ from direct current (DC)?

AC constantly changes direction, while DC flows in only one direction.

Why is alternating current commonly used in power distribution?

AC can travel longer distances and be easily transformed to different voltages.

What is the frequency of typical household AC in most countries?

50 or 60 Hz (Hertz).

What is the voltage of typical household AC in most countries?

120 or 230 volts.

What is an electric circuit breaker?

A safety device that automatically switches off an electrical circuit in case of a fault or overload.

What is an inductor in an AC circuit?

A device that stores energy in its magnetic field and resists changes in current.

What is a capacitor in an AC circuit?

A device that stores energy in an electric field and allows the flow of AC while blocking DC.

What is the unit of measurement for electrical resistance?

Ohm (Ω).

What is reactance in an AC circuit?

A measure of the opposition to the flow of AC caused by inductance or capacitance.

What is impedance in an AC circuit?

The total opposition to the flow of AC, combining both resistance and reactance.

What is the equation to calculate power in an AC circuit?

P = V × I × cos(θ), where P is power, V is voltage, I is current, and θ is the phase angle.

What is the purpose of a transformer in an AC circuit?

To step up or step down the voltage of AC electricity.


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Test Your Knowledge

What is the symbol for alternating current?

What is the unit of measurement for electrical resistance?

What is an electric circuit breaker?

What is the purpose of a transformer in an AC circuit?

What is reactance in an AC circuit?

What is the voltage of typical household AC in most countries?

What is power factor in an AC circuit?

What is alternating current (AC)?

What is the frequency of typical household AC in most countries?

What is an inductor in an AC circuit?

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