Flashcards on American Revolution: Battles and Key Figures

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Which battle is considered the turning point of the American Revolution?

Battle of Saratoga

Who was the commanding general of the Continental Army during the American Revolution?

George Washington

Which battle marked the end of the Revolutionary War?

Battle of Yorktown

Who was the British commander-in-chief during the American Revolution?

General Cornwallis

Which battle was famous for the 'shot heard round the world'?

Battle of Lexington and Concord

Who wrote the influential pamphlet 'Common Sense' in support of independence?

Thomas Paine

Which battle forced the British to evacuate Boston?

Siege of Boston

Who was the American officer known as the 'Swamp Fox' for his guerilla warfare tactics?

Francis Marion

Which battle led to France officially joining the American Revolution on the side of the colonies?

Battle of Saratoga

Who was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson

Which battle resulted in the capture of a large British army by American forces?

Battle of Saratoga

Who was the British prime minister during the American Revolution?

Lord North

Which battle gave the American colonies a much-needed morale boost?

Battle of Trenton

Who was the American naval captain known for his raids on British ships?

John Paul Jones

Which battle did the Americans suffer a major defeat and lose control of New York City?

Battle of Long Island


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Who was the commanding general of the Continental Army during the American Revolution?

Which battle is considered the turning point of the American Revolution?

Who wrote the influential pamphlet 'Common Sense' in support of independence?

Which battle led to France officially joining the American Revolution?

Who was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence?

Which battle resulted in the capture of a large British army by American forces?

Who was the British prime minister during the American Revolution?

Which battle did the Americans suffer a major defeat and lose control of New York City?

Who was the American officer known as the 'Swamp Fox' for his guerilla warfare tactics?

Who was the American naval captain known for his raids on British ships?

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