Flashcards on Anti-War Movement

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What is the anti-war movement?

A collective term for the various groups opposing war.

When did the anti-war movement gain momentum?

During the 1960s and 1970s.

What were some reasons for the anti-war movement?

Opposition to the Vietnam War, desire for peace, concern for human rights.

Who were prominent leaders of the anti-war movement?

Martin Luther King Jr., Jane Fonda, and Muhammad Ali.

What tactics were used by the anti-war movement?

Protests, demonstrations, draft resistance, and civil disobedience.

What impact did the anti-war movement have?

It contributed to the end of the Vietnam War and influenced public opinion on war.

What was the significance of the Kent State shootings?

Four students were killed by the National Guard during a protest against the Vietnam War.

Which social movements were connected to the anti-war movement?

Civil rights movement, feminist movement, and counterculture movement.

What is conscientious objection?

Refusal to participate in war or military service based on moral or religious beliefs.

What were some anti-war slogans?

Make love, not war. War is not the answer. Give peace a chance.

What role did music play in the anti-war movement?

Music was used as a form of protest and spread anti-war messages.

What was the Pentagon Papers?

Classified documents that revealed the government's misleading statements about the Vietnam War.

What was the Moratorium to End the War in Vietnam?

A series of large-scale demonstrations against the Vietnam War in 1969.

What role did colleges and universities play in the anti-war movement?

They were centers of anti-war activism, organizing protests and teach-ins.

How did the media influence the anti-war movement?

Media coverage of war atrocities and protests shaped public opinion.


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Test Your Knowledge

Which of the following were tactics used by the anti-war movement?

Who were some prominent leaders of the anti-war movement?

What impact did the anti-war movement have?

What was the significance of the Kent State shootings?

Which social movements were connected to the anti-war movement?

What is conscientious objection?

What were some anti-war slogans?

What was the Pentagon Papers?

What was the Moratorium to End the War in Vietnam?

How did the media influence the anti-war movement?

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