Flashcards on Appeasement: Chamberlain and Hitler

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Who was the British Prime Minister during the time of appeasement?

Neville Chamberlain

Who was the German dictator during the time of appeasement?

Adolf Hitler

What was the policy of appeasement?

The policy of making concessions to avoid conflict, particularly towards Hitler's expansionist aims.

When did the appeasement policy take place?

In the 1930s

What was the Munich Agreement?

An agreement in 1938 where Britain and France allowed Germany to annex part of Czechoslovakia called the Sudetenland.

What were some reasons for the policy of appeasement?

Desire to avoid another war, belief that Germany had legitimate grievances, and fear of communism

What was the outcome of the appeasement policy?

It failed to prevent World War II and gave Hitler time to further militarize and expand his territories.

What role did appeasement play in the lead-up to World War II?

It allowed Hitler to pursue his aggressive policies without significant opposition.

Who succeeded Neville Chamberlain as British Prime Minister?

Winston Churchill

What is a criticism of the policy of appeasement?

It demonstrated weakness and emboldened Hitler to continue his aggressive actions.

Which country did Hitler invade that violated the terms of the Munich Agreement?


What event marked the beginning of World War II?

Germany's invasion of Poland in 1939

What was the reaction to the Munich Agreement?

Mixed, with some praising it as a way to avoid war and others criticizing it as a betrayal of Czechoslovakia.

What is the term used to describe the appeasement policy's failure in preventing war?

The policy of appeasement is often considered a historical lesson in the dangers of appeasing aggressors.

What other territories did Hitler annex apart from the Sudetenland?

Austria and parts of Czechoslovakia beyond the Sudetenland


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Test Your Knowledge

Who was the British Prime Minister during the time of appeasement?

What was the policy of appeasement?

When did the appeasement policy take place?

What was the outcome of the appeasement policy?

What role did appeasement play in the lead-up to World War II?

What is a criticism of the policy of appeasement?

Which country did Hitler invade that violated the terms of the Munich Agreement?

What event marked the beginning of World War II?

What was the reaction to the Munich Agreement?

What other territories did Hitler annex apart from the Sudetenland?

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