Flashcards on Aztec Civilization: Tenochtitlan

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Where was the Aztec civilization located?

The Aztec civilization was located in present-day Mexico.

What was the capital city of the Aztec civilization?

The capital city of the Aztec civilization was Tenochtitlan.

What is the modern-day name of Tenochtitlan?

The modern-day name of Tenochtitlan is Mexico City.

What was the main cause of the fall of Tenochtitlan?

The main cause of the fall of Tenochtitlan was the Spanish conquest led by Hernán Cortés.

Who was the ruler of Tenochtitlan at the time of the Spanish conquest?

The ruler of Tenochtitlan at the time of the Spanish conquest was Moctezuma II.

What was the primary language spoken by the Aztecs?

The primary language spoken by the Aztecs was Nahuatl.

What was the purpose of the Templo Mayor in Tenochtitlan?

The Templo Mayor was a religious temple and the main ceremonial center in Tenochtitlan.

What were chinampas in Tenochtitlan?

Chinampas were floating gardens used for agriculture in Tenochtitlan.

What were the major crops cultivated by the Aztecs?

The major crops cultivated by the Aztecs were maize, beans, and squash.

What were some of the achievements of the Aztec civilization?

Some achievements of the Aztec civilization were advanced architectural structures, a complex calendar system, and intricate gold and jewelry craftsmanship.

Who were the conquistadors responsible for the downfall of Tenochtitlan?

The conquistadors responsible for the downfall of Tenochtitlan were led by Hernán Cortés.

What type of government did the Aztecs have?

The Aztecs had a hierarchical government with an emperor at the top.

What was the primary religion of the Aztec civilization?

The primary religion of the Aztec civilization was polytheism, worshipping multiple gods.

What is the significance of the Aztec sun stone?

The Aztec sun stone, also known as the Stone of the Sun, represents the Aztec cosmology and the cycles of the sun.

What was the main method of transportation in Tenochtitlan?

The main method of transportation in Tenochtitlan was by canoe in the network of canals.


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Test Your Knowledge

Where was the Aztec civilization located?

What was the capital city of the Aztec civilization?

What is the modern-day name of Tenochtitlan?

Who was the ruler of Tenochtitlan at the time of the Spanish conquest?

What was the purpose of the Templo Mayor in Tenochtitlan?

What were chinampas in Tenochtitlan?

What were the major crops cultivated by the Aztecs?

What were some of the achievements of the Aztec civilization?

Who were the conquistadors responsible for the downfall of Tenochtitlan?

What type of government did the Aztecs have?

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