Flashcards on Basic Concepts in Piaget's Theory

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What is cognitive development?

Cognitive development refers to the progressive improvement of cognitive structures that are formed from accumulated experiences.

What are cognitive structures?

Cognitive structures are a set of rules that individuals use to process information and control the world.

What are mental operations?

Mental representations of different operations to achieve understanding and problem-solving.

What is schema?

A mental representation of existing knowledge, involving classifying and organizing new experiences into cognitive structures.

What are mental functions?

The processes individuals employ when interacting with the environment.

What is organization?

The term refers to the fact that mental operations are arranged and coordinated in holistic, coherent systems.

What is adaptation?

This concept represents Piaget's second mental operation, expressing an individual's tendency to assimilate and accommodate with their environment.

What is object permanence?

The child's understanding that objects exist even when they are not in sight.

What is conservation?

The understanding that altering the physical properties of objects does not change their essence.

What is accommodation?

The process of modifying existing schemas when faced with new problems and experiences. It involves changing mental structures to adapt to the environmental or educational situation.

What is reversibility?

The ability to mentally represent the reverse process, enabling the contemplation of the consequences when negating the initial possibility.

Give an example of reversibility.

For example, 6 + 6 = 12, then 12 - 6 = ?

What is the concept of intelligence according to Piaget?

It is the balance sought by mental structures to achieve equilibrium between cognitive structures and the environment.

What does equilibration mean?

Equilibration refers to the achievement of balance between cognitive structures and the environment. It implies adapting in various dimensions (biological, psychological, cognitive, social, and emotional).

What is the result of equilibration?

The development of new cognitive structures that allow for the accommodation of new experiences and problem-solving.

What is the opposite of vapor rising from a container when water boils?

The opposite effect would be the water in the container freezing when placed in the freezer.


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Test Your Knowledge

What is the term for the progressive improvement of cognitive structures formed from accumulated experiences?

Which term refers to a mental representation of existing knowledge and the organization of new experiences?

What do we call the processes employed by individuals when interacting with the environment?

Which term describes the tendency of individuals to assimilate and accommodate with their environment?

What is the term for the child's understanding that objects exist even when out of sight?

Which term refers to the understanding that altering the physical properties of objects does not change their essence?

What is the process of modifying existing schemas when faced with new problems and experiences?

What is the ability to mentally represent the reverse process and contemplate the consequences?

What is the term for the balance sought by mental structures to achieve equilibrium between cognitive structures and the environment?

What does equilibration refer to in Piaget's theory?

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