Flashcards on Battle of Bunker Hill

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Where did the Battle of Bunker Hill take place?

Boston, Massachusetts

When did the Battle of Bunker Hill occur?

June 17, 1775

Which military commander led the British troops during the Battle of Bunker Hill?

General William Howe

Who were the American forces led by during the Battle of Bunker Hill?

Colonel William Prescott

Which side won the Battle of Bunker Hill?

The British

What was the famous order given to the American soldiers during the battle?

Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes!

What was the main objective of the British troops in the battle?

To seize the Charlestown Peninsula

What was the result of the Battle of Bunker Hill in terms of casualties?

The British suffered heavy casualties

What role did the Battle of Bunker Hill play in the American Revolutionary War?

It boosted the confidence of the American colonists

What battle tactic did the American forces use during the Battle of Bunker Hill?

They constructed fortifications on Breed's Hill

Who famously said, 'Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes!' during the Battle of Bunker Hill?

Colonel William Prescott

What was the significance of the Battle of Bunker Hill?

It demonstrated that the American colonists were capable of standing up to the British Army

Which famous American figure participated in the Battle of Bunker Hill?

Israel Putnam

Why is the battle called the Battle of Bunker Hill, even though most of the fighting took place on Breed's Hill?

Bunker Hill was originally the intended target, but due to a misunderstanding, the American forces fortified Breed's Hill instead

What was the main outcome of the Battle of Bunker Hill?

Although the British won, the battle proved that the American colonists were a formidable opponent


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Where did the Battle of Bunker Hill take place?

When did the Battle of Bunker Hill occur?

Who led the British troops during the Battle of Bunker Hill?

Who were the American forces led by during the Battle of Bunker Hill?

Which side won the Battle of Bunker Hill?

What was the famous order given to the American soldiers during the battle?

What was the main objective of the British troops in the battle?

What was the result of the Battle of Bunker Hill in terms of casualties?

What role did the Battle of Bunker Hill play in the American Revolutionary War?

What battle tactic did the American forces use during the Battle of Bunker Hill?

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