Flashcards on Berlin Airlift

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When did the Berlin Airlift take place?


Which countries were involved in the Berlin Airlift?

United States, United Kingdom, and France

Why did the Berlin Airlift happen?

To provide food and supplies to West Berlin during the Soviet blockade

Who was the leader of West Germany during the Berlin Airlift?

Konrad Adenauer

What was the nickname given to the aircraft that made the airlift possible?

Rosinenbomber (Raisin Bomber)

How many flights were made during the Berlin Airlift?

Over 275,000 flights

How much cargo was delivered during the Berlin Airlift?

Approximately 2.3 million tons

What was the duration of the Soviet blockade of West Berlin?

324 days

Which side eventually lifted the blockade?

Soviet Union

What was the significance of the Berlin Airlift?

It demonstrated the resolve of the Western Allies to protect West Berlin from Soviet aggression.


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Test Your Knowledge

When did the Berlin Airlift take place?

Which countries were involved in the Berlin Airlift?

Why did the Berlin Airlift happen?

Who was the leader of West Germany during the Berlin Airlift?

What was the nickname given to the aircraft that made the airlift possible?

How many flights were made during the Berlin Airlift?

How much cargo was delivered during the Berlin Airlift?

What was the duration of the Soviet blockade of West Berlin?

Which side eventually lifted the blockade?

What was the significance of the Berlin Airlift?

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