Flashcards on Bernoulli's Principle

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What is Bernoulli's Principle?

Bernoulli's Principle states that as the speed of a fluid increases, the pressure within the fluid decreases.

Who discovered Bernoulli's Principle?

Daniel Bernoulli discovered Bernoulli's Principle.

What is the equation representing Bernoulli's Principle?

P + 1/2ρv^2 + ρgh = constant

How can Bernoulli's Principle be applied in real life?

Bernoulli's Principle can be applied in various areas such as airplane wings, Venturi effect, and atomizers.

What is the relationship between fluid speed and pressure according to Bernoulli's Principle?

According to Bernoulli's Principle, as the speed of a fluid increases, the pressure within the fluid decreases.

What are some applications of Bernoulli's Principle in aviation?

Bernoulli's Principle is used in airplane wings to generate lift and in the design of airfoils.

What is the Venturi effect?

The Venturi effect is the reduction in fluid pressure that occurs when fluid flows through a constricted section of a pipe.

What is the principle behind how an atomizer works?

An atomizer works based on the principle of Bernoulli's Equation, which creates a low-pressure area resulting in the atomization of liquid.

How is Bernoulli's Principle related to lift in an airplane wing?

Bernoulli's Principle explains how the difference in air speed above and below an airplane wing generates lift.

What happens to the pressure of a fluid when its velocity increases?

When the velocity of a fluid increases, the pressure within the fluid decreases, following Bernoulli's Principle.

What type of fluid does Bernoulli's Principle apply to?

Bernoulli's Principle applies to both liquids and gases.

What are the units of the constant in Bernoulli's Principle equation?

The units of the constant in Bernoulli's Principle equation are pressure units (Pascals or psi).

How does Bernoulli's Principle relate to flow rate?

Bernoulli's principle states that as the fluid speed increases, the flow rate also increases.

What role does gravity play in Bernoulli's Principle?

Gravity is involved in Bernoulli's Principle through the term ρgh, which represents the potential energy of the fluid due to its height.

What are some examples of everyday phenomena where Bernoulli's Principle is at work?

Some examples include blowing air over a sheet of paper to make it float and drinking through a straw.


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Test Your Knowledge

What is the relationship between fluid speed and pressure according to Bernoulli's Principle?

Who is credited with discovering Bernoulli's Principle?

Where can Bernoulli's Principle be applied in aviation?

What is the Venturi effect?

What is the constant in the equation representing Bernoulli's Principle?

What are the units of the constant in Bernoulli's Principle equation?

What is the role of gravity in Bernoulli's Principle?

What plays a key role in generating lift on airplane wings?

What are some examples of everyday phenomena where Bernoulli's Principle is at work?

Which of the following fluids does Bernoulli's Principle apply to?

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