Flashcards on Bioethics

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What is bioethics?

The study of ethical issues related to biology and medicine.

Why is bioethics important?

It helps us make ethical decisions in the field of biology and medicine.

What are some examples of bioethical issues?

Euthanasia, cloning, genetic engineering, organ transplantation, etc.

What is the principle of autonomy in bioethics?

The respect for an individual's right to make their own decisions regarding their health.

What is the principle of beneficence in bioethics?

The duty to act in the best interest of others and promote their well-being.

What is the principle of non-maleficence in bioethics?

The duty to do no harm to others and avoid causing unnecessary suffering.

What is the principle of justice in bioethics?

The fair and equitable distribution of resources and opportunities in healthcare.

What is the principle of veracity in bioethics?

The obligation to tell the truth and be honest with patients.

What is the principle of confidentiality in bioethics?

The duty to keep patient information private and confidential.

What is reproductive cloning?

The process of creating an organism that is genetically identical to another.

What are the ethical concerns with reproductive cloning?

It raises questions about individuality, identity, and the potential for abuse.

What is genetic engineering?

The manipulation of an organism's genes to alter its characteristics.

What are some ethical considerations in genetic engineering?

Safety, consent, and the potential for unintended consequences.

What is informed consent in medical research?

The process of ensuring that participants understand the risks and benefits before participating in a study.

What are the ethical implications of human gene editing?

It raises concerns about altering future generations and the potential for creating a genetic divide.


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Test Your Knowledge

What is bioethics?

Why is bioethics important?

What is reproductive cloning?

What is the principle of autonomy in bioethics?

What is the principle of non-maleficence in bioethics?

What is genetic engineering?

What is the principle of beneficence in bioethics?

What is the principle of confidentiality in bioethics?

What is informed consent in medical research?

What are the ethical concerns with reproductive cloning?

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