Flashcards on Biogeochemical Cycles

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What are biogeochemical cycles?

Processes that recycle nutrients and elements in the environment.

Name one example of a biogeochemical cycle.

The carbon cycle.

What is the role of decomposers in biogeochemical cycles?

Decomposers break down organic matter and release nutrients back into the environment.

What is the nitrogen cycle?

The process by which nitrogen is converted between different forms in the environment.

How do humans impact biogeochemical cycles?

Human activities can disrupt natural cycles through pollution and deforestation.

What is the phosphorus cycle?

The movement of phosphorus through the environment in different forms.

What is the water cycle?

The continuous movement and exchange of water on, above, and below the Earth's surface.

How does the carbon cycle help regulate Earth's climate?

Carbon dioxide acts as a greenhouse gas, trapping heat and contributing to the greenhouse effect.

Name one process involved in the carbon cycle.


What are the main reservoirs of carbon in the carbon cycle?

The atmosphere, plants, soils, and oceans.

What is the role of bacteria in the nitrogen cycle?

Bacteria convert nitrogen gas into compounds that can be used by organisms.

How does deforestation affect the water cycle?

Tree removal reduces evapotranspiration, leading to decreased rainfall.

What are the steps of the phosphorus cycle?

Weathering, erosion, absorption by plants, and return to soil through decomposition.

What is the role of the sun in the water cycle?

The sun provides energy for evaporation, which drives the water cycle.

What is an example of a human activity that affects the phosphorus cycle?

The excessive use of fertilizers containing phosphorus in agriculture.


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Test Your Knowledge

Which term refers to processes that recycle nutrients and elements in the environment?

What is the carbon cycle?

What is the primary source of energy for the water cycle?

Why is the nitrogen cycle important?

What happens during the process of photosynthesis?

How can human activities impact biogeochemical cycles?

Which reservoir stores the largest amount of carbon in the carbon cycle?

What is the role of decomposition in biogeochemical cycles?

What is the main source of phosphorus in the phosphorus cycle?

Which process releases water vapor into the atmosphere during the water cycle?

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