Flashcards on British Educational Policies in India

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What was the aim of Wood's Dispatch of 1854?

To spread Western knowledge and science.

Who is known as the father of modern Western education in India?

Lord Macaulay

Which act aimed at the promotion of literacy among the Indian population through English?

The English Education Act of 1835

What did the Hunter Commission of 1882 focus on?

Primary and secondary education.

What was the medium of instruction according to Wood's Dispatch?

Both vernacular and English languages.

Which policy introduced the Grants-in-aid system to support Indian educational institutions?

Wood's Dispatch of 1854

What was established in 1857 that marked a significant step in the spread of Western education?

Universities in Calcutta, Bombay, and Madras.

Who established Sanskrit College at Benares and what was its purpose?

Lord Wellesley, to promote Sanskrit studies.

Why was the Calcutta Madrasa established?

To train Muslim students in Islamic law and related subjects.

What was the focus of the Sadler Commission of 1917?

Improving the conditions and standards of university education.

When was the first college established in India and what was its name?

Serampore College in 1818

The introduction of which system in education was recommended by Charles Wood's Dispatch?

Filiterary system.

What was Thomas Babington Macaulay's role in Indian education?

Advocated for English to be the medium of instruction.

Which educational report emphasized vocational and technical education in India?

The Sergeant Plan of 1944

What kind of educational institutions were aimed at creating 'a class of persons, Indian in blood and colour, but English in taste'?

English-medium institutions.


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Test Your Knowledge

Who is known as the Father of English Education in India?

Wood's Dispatch of 1854 was famous for introducing which of the following in India?

The English Education Act of 1835 made which language the medium of instruction in India?

Which of the following universities was NOT established as per the guidance provided by Wood's Dispatch?

The Hunter Commission of 1882 emphasized education for which group?

What was the primary purpose of Calcutta Madrasa?

What did Lord Wellesley establish in 1800?

What was the main focus of the Sadler Commission?

Who established Serampore College?

The Sergeant Plan of 1944 emphasized which type of education?

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