Flashcards on Byzantine Empire: Justinian and Theodora

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Who were the rulers of the Byzantine Empire during the 6th century?

Justinian and Theodora

What was the name of the emperor of the Byzantine Empire?


What role did Theodora play in the Byzantine Empire?


Which century did Justinian and Theodora rule during?

6th century

What was the capital city of the Byzantine Empire during Justinian and Theodora's reign?


What was the major accomplishment of Justinian's reign?

Codification of Roman law

What was the significance of Theodora in the Byzantine Empire's politics?

Played an influential role as an advisor to Justinian

What were some challenges faced by Justinian and Theodora during their rule?

Wars, riots, and the outbreak of the bubonic plague

Which emperor was famous for expanding the Byzantine Empire to its largest territorial extent?


What was the cultural and artistic revival during Justinian and Theodora's reign called?

Justinianic Renaissance

What was Theodora's background before becoming empress?

Actress and dancer

Which famous architectural masterpiece was built under Justinian's reign?

Hagia Sophia

What was the official religion of the Byzantine Empire during Justinian and Theodora's rule?


What was the influence of Justinian and Theodora on Byzantine law and culture?

They left a lasting legacy through their legal reforms and patronage of the arts

What was Theodora's role in Justinian's efforts to reunify the Roman Empire?

She actively supported him and influenced his policies


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Test Your Knowledge

Who were the rulers of the Byzantine Empire during the 6th century?

Which architectural masterpiece was built under Justinian's reign?

What was the capital city of the Byzantine Empire during Justinian and Theodora's reign?

What major accomplishment is Justinian known for?

What was Theodora's occupation before becoming empress?

What was the official religion of the Byzantine Empire?

What was the role of Theodora in the politics of the Byzantine Empire?

Which century did Justinian and Theodora rule during?

What was the major challenge faced by Justinian and Theodora during their rule?

What was the cultural and artistic revival during Justinian and Theodora's reign called?

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