Flashcards on Capitalism

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What is capitalism?

A political and economic system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

What are the advantages of capitalism?

Encourages innovation and competition, allows for individual freedom and choice, and has proven to be a successful economic system.

What are the disadvantages of capitalism?

Can lead to inequality and the exploitation of the working class, can promote consumerism and the pursuit of profit at the expense of social and environmental concerns.

What are the main principles of capitalism?

Private property, individual rights and freedoms, free markets, and competition.

What is laissez-faire capitalism?

A form of capitalism where the government does not interfere with the economy, allowing market forces to determine prices, production, and distribution of goods and services.

What is the invisible hand in capitalism?

The concept that, in a free market economy, individuals pursuing their own self-interest will ultimately benefit society as a whole.

What is the role of profit in capitalism?

Profit is the driving force behind capitalism, providing an incentive for individuals and businesses to produce goods and services efficiently and effectively.

What is neoliberalism?

A political and economic philosophy that advocates for the deregulation of markets and the reduction of government intervention in the economy.

What is crony capitalism?

A form of capitalism in which businesses and political leaders collude to benefit each other at the expense of the general public.

What is state capitalism?

A form of capitalism in which the state plays a significant role in the economy, often owning or controlling key industries.

What is the difference between socialism and capitalism?

Socialism advocates for collective ownership of the means of production, while capitalism allows for private ownership and industry to be controlled by the market.

What is the difference between capitalism and communism?

Capitalism allows for private ownership and trade in a free market, while communism advocates for collective ownership of the means of production and the abolition of private property.

Who is considered the father of capitalism?

Adam Smith, a Scottish economist and philosopher, is often hailed as the father of capitalism for his influential work 'The Wealth of Nations'.

What are some examples of capitalist countries?

The United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, and Germany are all examples of capitalist countries.

What is the Gini coefficient in relation to capitalism?

The Gini coefficient is a measure of income inequality in a society, and can be used to analyze the fairness of economic systems like capitalism.

What is capitalism?

A political and economic system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

What are the advantages of capitalism?

Encourages innovation and competition, allows for individual freedom and choice, and has proven to be a successful economic system.

What are the disadvantages of capitalism?

Can lead to inequality and the exploitation of the working class, can promote consumerism and the pursuit of profit at the expense of social and environmental concerns.

What are the main principles of capitalism?

Private property, individual rights and freedoms, free markets, and competition.

What is laissez-faire capitalism?

A form of capitalism where the government does not interfere with the economy, allowing market forces to determine prices, production, and distribution of goods and services.

What is the invisible hand in capitalism?

The concept that, in a free market economy, individuals pursuing their own self-interest will ultimately benefit society as a whole.

What is the role of profit in capitalism?

Profit is the driving force behind capitalism, providing an incentive for individuals and businesses to produce goods and services efficiently and effectively.

What is neoliberalism?

A political and economic philosophy that advocates for the deregulation of markets and the reduction of government intervention in the economy.

What is crony capitalism?

A form of capitalism in which businesses and political leaders collude to benefit each other at the expense of the general public.

What is state capitalism?

A form of capitalism in which the state plays a significant role in the economy, often owning or controlling key industries.

What is the difference between socialism and capitalism?

Socialism advocates for collective ownership of the means of production, while capitalism allows for private ownership and industry to be controlled by the market.

What is the difference between capitalism and communism?

Capitalism allows for private ownership and trade in a free market, while communism advocates for collective ownership of the means of production and the abolition of private property.

Who is considered the father of capitalism?

Adam Smith, a Scottish economist and philosopher, is often hailed as the father of capitalism for his influential work 'The Wealth of Nations'.

What are some examples of capitalist countries?

The United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, and Germany are all examples of capitalist countries.

What is the Gini coefficient in relation to capitalism?

The Gini coefficient is a measure of income inequality in a society, and can be used to analyze the fairness of economic systems like capitalism.


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