Flashcards on Cell Organization

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What is the basic unit of life?

The cell

Which organelle is responsible for producing energy in a cell?


What is the function of ribosomes in a cell?

To synthesize proteins

What is the function of lysosomes in a cell?

To break down and recycle cellular waste

Which organelles are only found in plant cells?

Chloroplasts and cell wall

What is the function of the Golgi apparatus?

To modify, sort, and package proteins and lipids for transport

What is the function of the endoplasmic reticulum?

To transport proteins and lipids throughout the cell

What is the function of the cytoskeleton in a cell?

To provide structure and support, and aid in movement

What is the difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?

Prokaryotic cells do not have a nucleus or organelles, while eukaryotic cells do

What is the function of the cell membrane?

To regulate the movement of substances in and out of the cell

What is the function of the nucleolus in a cell?

To synthesize ribosomes

What is the function of the centrioles in animal cells?

To aid in cell division

What is the function of the vacuole in plant cells?

To store water and nutrients

What is the function of peroxisomes in a cell?

To break down fatty acids and detoxify harmful substances

What is the function of the cytoplasm in a cell?

To support and suspend organelles

What is the basic unit of life?

The cell

Which organelle is responsible for producing energy in a cell?


What is the function of ribosomes in a cell?

To synthesize proteins

What is the function of lysosomes in a cell?

To break down and recycle cellular waste

Which organelles are only found in plant cells?

Chloroplasts and cell wall

What is the function of the Golgi apparatus?

To modify, sort, and package proteins and lipids for transport

What is the function of the endoplasmic reticulum?

To transport proteins and lipids throughout the cell

What is the function of the cytoskeleton in a cell?

To provide structure and support, and aid in movement

What is the difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?

Prokaryotic cells do not have a nucleus or organelles, while eukaryotic cells do

What is the function of the cell membrane?

To regulate the movement of substances in and out of the cell

What is the function of the nucleolus in a cell?

To synthesize ribosomes

What is the function of the centrioles in animal cells?

To aid in cell division

What is the function of the vacuole in plant cells?

To store water and nutrients

What is the function of peroxisomes in a cell?

To break down fatty acids and detoxify harmful substances

What is the function of the cytoplasm in a cell?

To support and suspend organelles


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