Flashcards on Chemical Reactions: Types of Reactions

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What is a chemical reaction?

A process in which one or more substances are converted into different substances with different properties.

What are the four common types of chemical reactions?

Synthesis, decomposition, single replacement (displacement), and double replacement (metathesis).

What is a synthesis reaction?

A reaction where two or more substances combine to form a more complex substance.

What is a decomposition reaction?

A reaction where a compound breaks down into simpler substances.

What is a single replacement (displacement) reaction?

A reaction where one element replaces another element in a compound.

What is a double replacement (metathesis) reaction?

A reaction where the cations and anions of two different compounds switch places.

What is an exothermic reaction?

A reaction that releases energy in the form of heat.

What is an endothermic reaction?

A reaction that absorbs energy from its surroundings.

What is a combustion reaction?

A reaction where a fuel combines with oxygen gas, releasing energy in the form of heat and light.

What is a redox reaction?

A reaction where there is a transfer of electrons between reactants.

What is a precipitation reaction?

A reaction where two aqueous solutions combine to form a solid product.

What is a neutralization reaction?

A reaction where an acid reacts with a base to form a salt and water.

What is a displacement reaction?

A reaction where a more reactive element displaces a less reactive element from a compound.

What is a precipitation reaction?

A reaction where two aqueous solutions combine to form a solid product.

What is a thermal decomposition reaction?

A reaction where a compound breaks down into simpler substances due to the application of heat.


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Test Your Knowledge

Which type of chemical reaction involves two or more substances combining to form a more complex substance?

What is the name of a reaction where a compound breaks down into simpler substances?

Which type of reaction involves one element replacing another element in a compound?

What is the name of a reaction where the cations and anions of two different compounds switch places?

Which type of reaction releases energy in the form of heat?

What is the name of a reaction that absorbs energy from its surroundings?

Which type of reaction involves a fuel combining with oxygen gas?

What is the name of a reaction where there is a transfer of electrons between reactants?

Which type of reaction involves two aqueous solutions combining to form a solid product?

What is the name of a reaction where a more reactive element displaces a less reactive element from a compound?

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