Flashcards on Chola Naval Expeditions

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Which dynasty is renowned for its naval expeditions in South Asia?

The Chola dynasty.

Under which Chola ruler did the peak of naval campaigns occur?

Raja Raja Chola I.

What was the purpose of the Chola naval expeditions?

To control trade routes and influence Southeast Asian politics.

In which sea did the Chola Navy establish dominance?

The Bay of Bengal.

Which island kingdom was conquered by Chola forces in the 11th century?

The Kingdom of Lanka (Sri Lanka).

Which Southeast Asian country did the Chola Navy invade during Rajendra Chola I's reign?

Indonesia (Srivijaya Empire).

What was the principal ship used by the Chola Navy called?

The Colandia.

How did the Chola naval expeditions impact trade?

They facilitated the growth of trade with China and Southeast Asia.

What kind of goods were exchanged in trade expeditions led by the Cholas?

Spices, jewels, and textiles.

Which empire did the Chola Dynasty battle for control of the Indian Ocean trade routes?

The Pala Empire.

What is Rajendra Chola I's naval campaign to Southeast Asia in 1025 CE known for?

Defeating the Srivijaya Empire.

What was the result of Chola naval expeditions on the culture of conquered lands?

Spread of Dravidian architecture and Hinduism.

What major feature distinguished Chola ships?

Their ability to withstand oceanic voyages.

Which Chola king defeated Mahipala, the Pala king of Bengal and Bihar, thus securing Chola control over the Bay of Bengal?

Rajendra Chola I.

Which Chola king is credited with sending the first expedition to the Maldives?

Rajendra Chola I.


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Test Your Knowledge

The Chola dynasty is associated with which geographical region?

What was a major goal of the Chola naval expeditions?

Which Chola king initiated the conquest of the Maldives?

During which king's reign did the Chola Navy reach its zenith?

Which empire was a rival to the Cholas in the Bay of Bengal?

What major empire did the Cholas defeat in Southeast Asia?

The Chola expeditions mainly operated in which body of water?

The Kingdom of Lanka was captured by the Cholas under which king?

What were Chola ships renowned for?

The spread of what was a cultural consequence of the Chola naval conquests?

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