Flashcards on Christopher Columbus' first voyage

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When did Christopher Columbus embark on his first voyage?


Which country sponsored Christopher Columbus' first voyage?


What was the name of Christopher Columbus' flagship on his first voyage?

Santa Maria

Who was the captain of the Santa Maria during Christopher Columbus' first voyage?

Christopher Columbus

Which Caribbean island did Christopher Columbus first land on during his first voyage?

San Salvador

What were the names of the other two ships in Christopher Columbus' first voyage?

Niña and Pinta

Who funded Christopher Columbus' first voyage?

Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand

How many crew members were on board Christopher Columbus' ships during his first voyage?

about 90

What was Christopher Columbus' initial goal during his first voyage?

to find a westward route to Asia

Did Christopher Columbus reach Asia during his first voyage?


What did Christopher Columbus name the people he encountered on his first voyage?


Why did Christopher Columbus name the first island he encountered 'San Salvador'?

in honor of the Holy Savior

What did Christopher Columbus claim the land he discovered for?


How long did Christopher Columbus' first voyage last?

about 33 days

What was the reaction in Europe to Christopher Columbus' discovery?

It sparked great interest and led to subsequent voyages and the colonization of the Americas.


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Test Your Knowledge

Which country sponsored Christopher Columbus' first voyage?

When did Christopher Columbus embark on his first voyage?

What was the name of the flagship on Christopher Columbus' first voyage?

Who funded Christopher Columbus' first voyage?

Which Caribbean island did Christopher Columbus first land on during his first voyage?

What were the names of the other two ships in Christopher Columbus' first voyage?

What was Christopher Columbus' initial goal during his first voyage?

Did Christopher Columbus reach Asia during his first voyage?

Why did Christopher Columbus name the first island he encountered 'San Salvador'?

How long did Christopher Columbus' first voyage last?

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