Flashcards on Civil Rights Movement: Key Events and Figures

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What is the name of the bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama?

Montgomery Bus Boycott

Who was the leader of the Montgomery Bus Boycott?

Martin Luther King Jr.

What landmark Supreme Court case declared segregation in public schools unconstitutional?

Brown v. Board of Education

Who was the lead attorney for the NAACP in the Brown v. Board of Education case?

Thurgood Marshall

What was the name of the peaceful protest where participants sat at segregated lunch counters?


Who was the leader of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)?

John Lewis

What event marked the climax of the Birmingham Campaign and showcased the brutality of segregation?

Birmingham church bombing

Who was the civil rights activist and leader of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)?

Rosa Parks

What act prohibited racial discrimination in employment, voting, and public accommodations?

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Who was the leader of the United Farm Workers union and fought for the rights of agricultural workers?

Cesar Chavez

What event led to a march from Selma to Montgomery to demand voting rights for African Americans?

Bloody Sunday

Who was the African American girl who became a symbol of the struggle to desegregate public schools?

Ruby Bridges

What act aimed to protect the voting rights of African Americans by prohibiting racial discrimination in voting?

Voting Rights Act of 1965

Who was the leader of the Black Panther Party, which advocated for black power and self-defense?

Huey Newton

What event resulted in the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.?

Memphis sanitation workers' strike


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Who was the leader of the Montgomery Bus Boycott?

What was the name of the peaceful protest where participants sat at segregated lunch counters?

Who was the African American girl who became a symbol of the struggle to desegregate public schools?

What event marked the climax of the Birmingham Campaign and showcased the brutality of segregation?

Who was the lead attorney for the NAACP in the Brown v. Board of Education case?

What act aimed to protect the voting rights of African Americans by prohibiting racial discrimination in voting?

Who was the leader of the United Farm Workers union and fought for the rights of agricultural workers?

What landmark Supreme Court case declared segregation in public schools unconstitutional?

What event led to a march from Selma to Montgomery to demand voting rights for African Americans?

Who was the leader of the Black Panther Party, which advocated for black power and self-defense?

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