Flashcards on Cognitive Development in Children aged 7 to 11

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What is the stage of cognitive development in children aged 7 to 11 called?

Concrete operational stage

During this stage, children start to think logically about concrete events but still struggle with abstract concepts. True or False?


What is one of the main achievements of the concrete operational stage?


What is conservation?

Understanding that the quantity of a substance remains the same despite changes in its appearance

What is another important cognitive ability that develops during this stage?


What is reversibility?

Understanding that actions can be undone or reversed

What are some characteristics of the concrete operational stage?

Logical thinking, improved problem-solving skills, understanding of time and space

What are some limitations of the concrete operational stage?

Difficulty with abstract and hypothetical thinking

What is the age range for the concrete operational stage?

7 to 11 years

How does cognitive development differ between children aged 7 to 11 and adolescents?

Adolescents develop the ability for abstract and hypothetical thinking

What is the term used to describe cognitive changes in children aged 7 to 11?

Cognitive restructuring

What are some examples of tasks that children aged 7 to 11 can successfully accomplish?

Classifying objects, understanding cause and effect relationships, solving concrete problems

What are some key factors that influence cognitive development during this stage?

Education, social interaction, and cultural background

What are some implications of cognitive development in children aged 7 to 11 for education?

Teachers can use hands-on activities and real-life examples to enhance learning

What are some implications of cognitive development in children aged 7 to 11 for parenting?

Parents can provide opportunities for problem-solving and critical thinking


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Test Your Knowledge

What is the stage of cognitive development in children aged 7 to 11 called?

During the concrete operational stage, children start to think ______ about concrete events.

What is one of the main achievements of the concrete operational stage?

Which cognitive ability develops during the concrete operational stage?

What term is used to describe cognitive changes in children aged 7 to 11?

What are some characteristics of the concrete operational stage?

What are some limitations of the concrete operational stage?

What age range does the concrete operational stage typically occur in?

How does cognitive development differ between children aged 7 to 11 and adolescents?

What are some factors that influence cognitive development during the concrete operational stage?

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