Flashcards on Cognitive Development in Piaget's Theory

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What are the two aspects of cognitive growth according to Piaget?

Mental structure and mental functions

What does mental structure refer to in Piaget's theory?

The state of thinking present in a particular stage of development

What do mental functions refer to in Piaget's theory?

The processes individuals use when interacting with environmental stimuli

According to Piaget, are mental functions inherited or acquired?


According to Piaget, do mental structures change over time?

No, they remain constant

What are the two fundamental functions of thinking that don't change with age?

Organization and adaptation

What does the function of organization involve in Piaget's theory?

Arranging mental processes into integrated and coordinated systems

What does the function of adaptation involve in Piaget's theory?

Adjusting to the demands of the environment

What are the two processes involved in adaptation according to Piaget?

Assimilation and accommodation

What does assimilation involve in Piaget's theory?

Modifying new information to fit existing mental structures

What does accommodation involve in Piaget's theory?

Modifying existing mental structures to fit new information

According to Piaget, does cognitive development progress towards more abstract thinking?


What role do acquired mental functions play in cognitive development?

They serve as a foundation for more complex cognitive processes

What is the first factor in transitioning from one stage of development to another according to Piaget?

Maturity of the central nervous system and motor coordination

What is the second factor in transitioning from one stage of development to another according to Piaget?

Interaction with the physical environment


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What are the two aspects of cognitive growth according to Piaget?

What does the function of adaptation involve in Piaget's theory?

What is the first factor in transitioning from one stage of development to another according to Piaget?

What does assimilation involve in Piaget's theory?

According to Piaget, do mental structures change over time?

What do mental functions refer to in Piaget's theory?

What are the two fundamental functions of thinking that don't change with age?

What does the function of organization involve in Piaget's theory?

According to Piaget, are mental functions inherited or acquired?

What is the second factor in transitioning from one stage of development to another according to Piaget?

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