Flashcards on Cognitive Development Theory

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Who is the main proponent of the cognitive development theory?

Jean Piaget

What is the focus of the cognitive development theory?

Understanding how children's thinking and mental abilities develop over time.

What does the cognitive development theory emphasize?

The role of biological maturation and social interaction in cognitive development.

What are the main stages of cognitive development according to Piaget?

Sensorimotor, Preoperational, Concrete Operational, Formal Operational.

What is the sensorimotor stage?

The stage when infants learn about the world through their senses and motor actions.

What is the preoperational stage?

The stage when children use symbols to represent objects but struggle with logical reasoning.

What is the concrete operational stage?

The stage when children can think logically about concrete objects and events.

What is the formal operational stage?

The stage when adolescents can think abstractly and consider hypothetical situations.

What is assimilation in the context of the cognitive development theory?

Incorporating new experiences or information into existing mental schemas.

What is accommodation in the context of the cognitive development theory?

Modifying existing mental schemas to fit new experiences or information.

What is object permanence?

The understanding that objects continue to exist even when they are out of sight.

What is egocentrism in the context of the cognitive development theory?

The tendency to perceive the world from one's own point of view.

What is conservation in the context of the cognitive development theory?

The understanding that properties of an object remain the same despite changes in appearance.

What is hypothetical-deductive reasoning?

The ability to systematically test and evaluate possible solutions to a problem.

What is zone of proximal development?

The gap between what a learner can do independently and what they can do with guidance.


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Test Your Knowledge

Which theorist is associated with the cognitive development theory?

What does the cognitive development theory focus on?

Which stage of cognitive development is characterized by egocentrism?

What is the main focus of the concrete operational stage?

Assimilation in the cognitive development theory refers to:

What is the term for the understanding that objects continue to exist even when they are out of sight?

What is the gap between what a learner can do independently and what they can do with guidance called?

Which stage of cognitive development is characterized by hypothetical-deductive reasoning?

According to Piaget, what is the connecting link between assimilation and accommodation?

What is the final stage of cognitive development according to Piaget?

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