Flashcards on Cognitivism

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What is cognitivism?

Cognitivism is a psychological theory that focuses on mental processes such as thinking, perception, and memory.

Who is considered the father of cognitivism?

Jean Piaget is considered the father of cognitivism.

What is the main assumption of cognitivism?

The main assumption of cognitivism is that mental processes can be studied scientifically.

What does cognitivism focus on?

Cognitivism focuses on how people acquire, process, and store information.

What are some key concepts of cognitivism?

Some key concepts of cognitivism include schemas, information processing, and metacognition.

What is the role of memory in cognitivism?

Memory plays a crucial role in cognitivism as it involves the encoding, storage, and retrieval of information.

How does cognitivism differ from behaviorism?

Cognitivism focuses on mental processes, while behaviorism emphasizes observable behavior.

What are some applications of cognitivism?

Cognitivism has applications in education, cognitive psychology, artificial intelligence, and human-computer interaction.

Who developed the theory of information processing?

George A. Miller is credited with developing the theory of information processing.

What is metacognition?

Metacognition refers to the awareness and understanding of one's own thought processes.

How does cognitivism influence teaching methods?

Cognitivism emphasizes active learning, problem-solving, and critical thinking in teaching methods.

What are some criticisms of cognitivism?

Some criticisms of cognitivism include oversimplification of mental processes and lack of consideration for social and cultural factors.

What is chunking in cognitive psychology?

Chunking is a process in cognitive psychology where information is grouped together into meaningful units to enhance memory storage.

What is the cognitive revolution?

The cognitive revolution refers to a shift in psychology towards studying mental processes and the mind.

What is the role of problem-solving in cognitivism?

Problem-solving is viewed as an important cognitive process in cognitivism, as it involves using mental strategies to overcome obstacles.


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Test Your Knowledge

Who is considered the father of cognitivism?

What does cognitivism focus on?

What are some key concepts of cognitivism?

What is the main assumption of cognitivism?

How does cognitivism differ from behaviorism?

What is metacognition?

Who developed the theory of information processing?

How does cognitivism influence teaching methods?

What is the cognitive revolution?

What is the role of problem-solving in cognitivism?

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